Pivot – The “central point” that action revolves around

Our comprehensive discovery and planning process will always precede any investment recommendations by our team.  Understanding your goals and objectives, the composition and ownership of all assets and liabilities, your comfort level with different assets classes, and your portfolio growth objectives will always be the initial step.  Once we fully understand all facets around these variables, only then can we deliver and recommend a tax and risk efficient investment strategy. 

Diversification will always be the core principle of any efficient investment strategy, and we have crafted a disciplined approach using tactical asset allocation when managing client assets to help achieve portfolio efficiency.  However, there is more to investment management and portfolio construction than asset class diversification. 

Our approach

  • Considers taxation consequences at every turn.

  • Leverages in-depth research from highly respected sources to craft tactical guidance.

  • Identifies the risk temperament for each client.

  • Understands each client’s investment timeframe.

  • Considers cash flow and liquidity needs.  

  • Leverages risk management strategies to help protect assets during volatile markets

Investment Philosophy

For ages, the investment community has argued the pros and cons of active management (individualized stock selection) vs passive investing across a broad index.

Our philosophy blends best in class active institutional manages across all major asset classes for alpha (potential for growth above the underlying index), paired with passive index EFT’s (exchange traded funds) for broad index exposure, lower internal expenses, and to apply tactical tilts. 

For each Investment Objective, we use a disciplined approach to execute “tactical asset allocation tilts”, or the overweighting and underweighting of different asset classes based upon the current economic and interest rate environment. 

At each meeting, we provide education and the rationale for the tactical guidance, so you always know what you own, why you own it, and the associated risk metrics for your specific allocation strategy. 

The long-term impact of taxes on investment returns can be extremely erosive.  Our tax-efficient strategies help you continue to grow your assets while managing the impact of taxes.


Adding Value

Our team seeks to provide timely and accurate financial advice that continually helps improve your financial health, pivoting to the most appropriate strategy as conditions change.  Our commitment to each client is that we will lead meaningful conversations, listen carefully, think prudently, and act strategically.     

Wells Fargo Advisors is not a legal or tax advisor.
Asset allocation and diversification are investment methods used to help manage risk. They do not guarantee investment returns or eliminate risk of loss including in a declining market.