Pivot – “To adapt or improve by adjusting or modifying”

Our collaborative process helps coordinate your financial objectives with your personal aspirations and values throughout your life. The goal is to empower you to make informed financial decisions that make a real and lasting impact on your life and for future generations.

Step 1. Starting the conversation

During our initial conversation, we uncover the details about you, your family, your professional career, and your financial life.  It’s important that we discuss your short term, medium term, and long-term financial goals to prioritize what is important to you. You’ll learn about our team, our approach, and the planning process.

Step 2. Analyzing and building your plan

The next step is for our team to review and analyze the information gathered during our initial conversation.  Using sophisticated planning software, we get to work organizing your data and creating a plan so you can see where you are now, understand where you want to go, and feel confident in the plan to get there.

Step 3. Presenting your plan

At our presentation meeting, we review the framework of the plan, talk about your cash flow requirements, your assets, liabilities, retirement savings, and how our proposed strategies can help you build and preserve wealth for the future. If you decide to move forward with the plan, our next step is to go to work implementing the strategies.


Step 4.  Implementing your plan

We help you execute tailored wealth planning solutions that make your goals a reality. We help complete any initial paperwork, facilitate asset transfers in a seamless manor, as well as establish your online connectivity so you can view your assets online. 


Step 5. Dealing with change

Because your plan may cover many different areas and multiple generations of family members, we stay connected with you and communicate using the channel of your preference: in-person, virtual meetings, over the phone, or via email.  As needed, we will also coordinate with your other professional advisors, such as your accountant and estate attorney.